Hyrynsalmi can be reached by the following connections:

Bus: There are bus connections to Hyrynsalmi from all over Finland, especially from nearby areas and larger cities. You can search for a suitable bus connection from the services of Matkahuolto or, for example, operated by Traficom.

Train: The nearest train station is located in Kajaani, which is about 70 kilometers from Hyrynsalmi. You can get from Kajaani to Hyrynsalmi with a further connection, for example by bus. You can find the train timetables on State Railways VR's website.

Car: Hyrynsalmi has good road transport connections. It is located along highway 5 (E63), which is one of the main roads in Finland. The drive from Helsinki, for example, takes about 7-8 hours, depending on traffic and weather conditions.

By air: The nearest airport is Kajaani airport, where there are direct flights from Helsinki. You can travel from the airport to Hyrynsalmi by rental car or bus.

There are no direct bus connections to Ukkohalla itself, so a taxi will take you from Hyrynsalmi to Ukkohalla.

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